Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I’d like to give you three days in which to disprove the assumption.

Sir, I’d like to give you three days in which to disprove the assumption that this party or that you have participated in the theft of funds from the admiralty. Here is an affidavit of negative averment to allow you the opportunity to disprove that presumption and by the way, here is a proposed draft, unsigned copy of a summons to be issued by notary public Andre Coleman-El for your appearance under penalty of perjury to identify the location of the funds and disprove the assumption that you have participated in the theft of funds left in your possession from the admiralty for personal profit and gain. Please advise me within seventy-two hours whether or not you would like the notary to issue the subpoena or please provide a settlement statement indicating that the payment has been duly posted to the account. In other words, what would you like me to file; would you like me to file the criminal complaint or would you like me to file the letter with the notary requesting that he issue summons against you to come into this case or would you simply like to send me some kind of a certified accounting of the entire case? You’re choice, ma’am—you decide.’

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